The Logan County Soil and Water Conservation District was established on January 26, 1953. Soil & Water Conservation Districts were established under the Illinois Soil and Water Conservation District Act in l937, and although a SWCD is a governmental body, it is not a branch of federal, state, or county government. Each District is classified as a "local unit of government". The Act gives SWCD's the responsibility to provide technical information to individuals and groups on methods of soil and water conservation, and provide natural resource inventory information on properties slated for zoning changes. The District is governed by a five-member board of directors who are responsible for the conservation and wise use of our natural resources. Districts have no taxing authority. Funding is provided in part by the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA). Our District offers several programs which supplement IDOA funding. The additional funding is utilized for operation expenses and education programs.
Our Partners:
We are fortunate to join in our efforts with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Both are agencies of the US Dept. of Agriculture. We also support the efforts of the Land of Lincoln Soil Saver's Club.
DISTRICT HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday - 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Closed Saturday and Sunday
Phone # - 217-735-5508 Ext. 3
Non-discrimination Policy
All SWCD programs and services are offered on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status. SWCD and USDA are an Equal Opportunity Provider, Employer and Lender.
Our Partners:
We are fortunate to join in our efforts with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Farm Service Agency (FSA). Both are agencies of the US Dept. of Agriculture. We also support the efforts of the Land of Lincoln Soil Saver's Club.
DISTRICT HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday - 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Closed Saturday and Sunday
Phone # - 217-735-5508 Ext. 3
Non-discrimination Policy
All SWCD programs and services are offered on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or family status. SWCD and USDA are an Equal Opportunity Provider, Employer and Lender.
Our Board of Directors:
David Allspach, Chairman
Kent Kleinschmidt, Vice Chairman
Dean Sasse, Secretary - Treasurer
Cheryl Baker, Director
Doug Thompson, Director
David Allspach, Chairman
Kent Kleinschmidt, Vice Chairman
Dean Sasse, Secretary - Treasurer
Cheryl Baker, Director
Doug Thompson, Director

The Logan County SWCD has an experienced and competent staff to assist you with your soil and water conservation needs.
Steve Bracey - Resource Conservationist Steve has worked for the District since November 1979.
Email - [email protected]